Free Hebrew Translation


You get what you pay for…most of the time. The saying applies to many fields including free Hebrew translation services. Below is a list of resources where you can find translators or bilinguals who volunteer to provide some help with Hebrew translation. However, don't be surprised if you don't get timely, reliable or quality translation help in the volume you need.
bible translations, Hebrew bible
1. Free Translation Forums - Hebrew Translation. People ask to translate a word or a phrase, or their names for a tattoo and get some help.
2. Basic Phrases of the Hebrew Language.    A high-quality, full-colorOn this page, you'll find some basic words       special download
("yes", "please", etc.), short dialogues,     edition of the Hebrew Bible
greetings ("hello", "good morning", etc.),     (Tanakh, Masoretic Text).
days of the week, and numerals. All Hebrew     Find out more here.
words are given in English transliteration.
3. Common Phrases for Hebrew Tattoos. The page features a selection of some common phrases used for Hebrew tattoos. The phrases are given in Hebrew with respective English translations and explanations.
4. Free Hebrew language translation and proofreading. The Text Store offers free Hebrew to English or English to Hebrew translation of up to 100 words, as well as free proofreading of a page of text.
5. How to Get A Free English To Hebrew Translation. An advice on getting free Hebrew translation. The idea is either to use one of the free online automatic translation tools (such as Google Translate) or to contact the language department at your local university where "professors, language students and even department volunteers are usually willing to assist with language translations."
6. AllExperts. People ask different questions about the Hebrew language and get good answers.
7. Hebrew proverbs with English translations. Many Hebrew proverbs with English translations, transliterations and explanations.
Additional resources, where you can find the translation help from bilinguals or translators, are listed on Free Language Translation Page and Free Translator Page.